Extended Abstract, Intetics Inc.
4851 Tamiami Trail N, Suite 200, Naples, FL 34103-3098, United States
Keywords: International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Service Level Agreement, Source Code Quality, Quality Management Platform
Poor source code quality can cost your organization time and money – and, in some situations, can even put lives at risk. It’s imperative to measure software quality and make sure the product works as intended. This White Paper presents experience-based advice for writing effective service level agreements, accurately analyzing the quality of source code, and defining a quality measurement program. Below, you can find a detailed overview of all topics covered in the White Paper.
I. Why Quality?
The White Paper opens by addressing why source code quality is important. You will examine a few real-life examples in which poor source code had devastating consequences, ranging from costs in the trillions, lower brand equity value, and even a loss of lives. Learn why companies are investing money in prevention costs, which range from process evaluations and product reviews to quality audits.
Next, you will learn about the internal organization benefits that good software quality brings, as well as the better business relationships it can lead to.
II. SLA: Quality As an Obligation, Not an Abstract Promise
You will learn the ins and outs of service level agreements: reflect on how they guarantee the quality, why quality assurance is important to a comprehensive SLA, and how you can use an SLA to foster an outcome-based partnership.
The White Paper begins by defining what an SLA is and explaining why it’s used. Moving on, you will learn about the type of language that SLAs rely on and see why it’s important to use a comprehensive quality management system. Next, the White Paper will present the 3 levels of quality assurance: checking product quality and processes, checking programmers’ abilities and knowledge, and ensuring the infrastructure’s suitability.
The section will conclude by emphasizing the importance of setting clear quality standards between all teams, companies, and partners working on a project – they should be negotiated before the project starts.
III. What to Measure
The White Paper will first dive into the benefits of quality metrics, including better team productivity, objective progress evaluation, smoother remote teamwork, and easier project planning.
Next, you will determine which metrics should be measured; they will be split up into 3 categories: source code, development, and testing.
The White Paper will first examine source code metrics; by measuring software code, you can quantify the product’s quality, assess whether it’s effective, and discover problems/potential improvements.
Next, you’ll learn about the best development metrics, which give great insight into necessary improvements within development processes – examples include defect density and lifetime.
Lastly, the White Paper will present you with testing metrics, which measure the entire product’s quality: defect removal efficiency and test coverage.
IV. How to Measure: Real-World Quality Analysis
Now that you’ve learned about the crucial software quality metrics, you’ll learn how to measure them. The White Paper introduces the concept of a Quality Management Platform (QMP), which can effectively analyze code metrics, measure product quality, and help developers conduct test-driven development.
Learn how to create a great QMP; the White Paper will give details on the necessary features, including assessment across multiple programming languages, consistent measurement of code quality, real-time source code analysis, tools that are accessible to everyone, and customization.
V. Results of QMP
Examine a real QMP: the White Paper explains how the system was able to dramatically improve software code quality and decrease the likelihood of system defects. Learn about the QMP’s main target group, how it’s used, and the ways it keeps the coding process organized and transparent.
VI. Summary
The White Paper presents a conclusion on the topic of software quality analysis, stating its ultimate goal: to quantitatively evaluate a project’s condition and get better results. Review the necessity for SLAs, a quality assurance process, and in-depth training.
VII. About the Author
In this section, you’ll get information about the sponsor of the White Paper, a company that creates distributed technology teams that provide IT support, software product development, quality assurance, and data processing.
The business value of software quality – David Chappell. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2021, from http://davidchappell.com/writing/white_papers/The_Business_Value_of_Software_Quality-v1.0-Chappell.pdf.
Cost of quality (COQ). ASQ. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2021, from https://asq.org/quality-resources/cost-of-quality.
International Organization for Standardization. ISO. (2020, January 9). Retrieved September 28, 2021, from https://www.iso.org/home.html.
Krigsman, M. (2012, April 10). Worldwide cost of it failure (revisited): $3 Trillion. ZDNet. Retrieved September 28, 2021, from https://www.zdnet.com/article/worldwide-cost-of-it-failure-revisited-3-trillion/.