Team Formation Approach Solutions Portfolio - Intetics Where software concepts come alive Tue, 31 Oct 2023 04:54:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Team Formation Approach Solutions Portfolio - Intetics 32 32 Custom Recruitment and Training Process Allowed for 3.6 Years Average Tenure in the RIS® Wed, 18 Oct 2023 18:45:46 +0000 Create and maintain a distributed team of software engineers skilled in the Client's proprietary functional programming language, in addition to setting up a Client-tailored process of recruitment, training, and skills and career development.

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Revolutionizing Road Survey Analysis: How LiDAR Technology Enabled 40% Time and Cost Savings with 3D Feature Extraction and Data Classification Mon, 27 Feb 2023 02:58:14 +0000 The European company specializes in airborne and mobile LiDAR mapping, providing high-precision data®.

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Offshore Development Center vs. Internal Team: Which to Choose? Fri, 16 Sep 2022 17:00:14 +0000 Offshore Development Centers (ODCs) have become increasingly popular among businesses striving to meet their software development needs. According to ReportLinker, the worldwide outsourcing IT market is forecast to reach $425.19 billion by 2026, making a search for talent even more acute. While an in-house software development team can be an excellent option for some organizations, […]

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Offshore Development Centers (ODCs) have become increasingly popular among businesses striving to meet their software development needs. According to ReportLinker, the worldwide outsourcing IT market is forecast to reach $425.19 billion by 2026, making a search for talent even more acute. While an in-house software development team can be an excellent option for some organizations, there are a few key reasons why an ODC may be a better fit. In this article, we will take a closer look at the pros and cons of offshore software development and help you decide if it suits your business goals.


What Is an Offshore Development Center?

ODC represents a business model where organizations hire third-party service providers to execute some or all aspects of their software development life cycle (SDLC). The ODC provider typically sets up a dedicated team of developers at its own facilities, which the client company can access as needed. This arrangement can offer several advantages to both the client and the provider, including cost savings, increased efficiency, and access to skilled labor. ODCs provide various services, including application development, software testing, and technical support. Many ODCs also encompass amenities such as on-site housing and transportation, which can be attractive to workers relocating from other parts of the world.

The ODC structure typically consists of a project manager, a team leader, and several software developers. The project manager is responsible for the communication with the client. They ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget. The team leader takes control over the day-to-day operations of the ODC and coordinates the work of the software developers. The software developers are responsible for coding and testing the software.

ODC vs. Outsourcing

There is a substantial difference between outsourcing and opening an offshore development center. When a company reaches out for outsourcing services, it contracts with another company to do a specific task or project. In similar words, outsourcing is the act of contracting with a third party to provide services or products that cannot be performed internally.

Meanwhile, an offshore development center is a physical location where a company develops its own products or services. The company uses its own staff and resources to do the work. The offshore development center is usually located in a different country from the company’s headquarters. The company chooses to locate the offshore development center in another country to take advantage of lower labor costs, lower taxes, and other advantages.

What Are the Benefits of an Offshore Development Center?

The ODC model helps organizations bridge the gap between the high cost of onshore development and the risks associated with developing software offshore. By hiring a third-party service provider to manage their ODC, organizations can take advantage of the provider’s expertise and infrastructure. This strategy can reduce the overall risks and costs associated with custom software development. Establishing an ODC can bring an organization:

  • Reduced development costs. By outsourcing to an ODC, companies can optimize their investments while safeguarding the quality of the final products.
  • Access to specialized skills and expertise. ODCs empower companies with access to a pool of highly skilled and specialized workers who may be difficult to find domestically.
  • Increased efficiency and productivity. ODCs are dedicated to working on a particular project, allowing for more work to be completed in a shorter time frame.
  • Improved quality. ODCs are often subject to stringent quality control measures, which leads to enhanced product quality.
  • Flexibility. ODCs can be quickly scaled up or down to meet constantly evolving business needs.
  • Faster production cycle. By outsourcing to an ODC, organizations get their products to market faster.

Last but not least, by expanding their operations to ODCs, businesses can reduce their risk in the event of a domestic economic downturn or other unforeseen circumstances.

What Are the Disadvantages of an Offshore Development Center?

There can be several disadvantages to working with an offshore development center, including:

  • Communication barriers. Different time zones and cultural differences can make communication difficult, which can impact the quality of work and lead to misunderstandings. Effective coordination between employees can come as a challenge.
  • Management challenges. Setting up an ODC requires a comprehensive managerial hierarchy that clearly reflects the responsibilities of team members.
  • Legal complications. Different legal systems and contrasting regulations may become a source of confusion for organizations striving to maintain ODC. There are some risks related to the protection of intellectual property or contract enforcement.
  • Security risks. How can companies keep data secure despite the distance? Control over data ownership can be a tricky endeavor as there is a risk of data breaches and cyber security attacks.

As a result, ODCs can also be disruptive to the team dynamic if not managed properly. That’s why the establishment of an ODC requires a comprehensive approach that weighs all ups and downs.

What Is In-House Software Development?

In-house software development is the process of designing, creating, testing, and maintaining software with the help of internal expertise and resources. This strategy is often advantageous to businesses that strive to maintain control over their software development process and ensure that their software meets their specific objectives. Yet, in-house software development can be time-consuming and expensive.

The first step in in-house software development is to determine the specific needs of the business. This process usually begins with a feasibility study, which is used to identify the business requirements for the software. Once the business requirements have been identified, the next step is to design the software. This process involves creating a prototype of the software and testing it to see if it meets the business requirements. After the software design is complete, there is a stage of software development. This process involves writing the code, as well as testing and deploying the software.

What Are the Pros of In-House Development?

Collaboration with in-house teams enables companies to have more control over the product and its development. They can more easily oversee what work is being done while ensuring quality standards. In-house development also allows for better communication between the development team and other company departments. However, this option can be more expensive and may require a larger pool of experts. Below are several advantages to in-house development:

  • Increased control. When an organization leverages the potential of an in-house team, it has complete control over the project from start to finish. Changes can be adjusted according to the circumstances. No need to contact a third party. Homegrown solutions can be easily customized and modified to meet the evolving needs of a business.
  • Ensured quality. When you develop in-house, you can ensure that the project is completed to your high standards. This strategy heavily relies upon control over every aspect of the development process.
  • Enhanced expertise. In-house development can strengthen expertise within your company. It can be especially fruitful if you plan to develop future projects in-house.
  • Safeguarded security standards. In-house development allows companies to keep their code and data secure, as they are not reliant on third-party providers.

Overall, building an in-house team empowers businesses to have higher control over the development process and allows them to benefit from culturally aligned teams of technology specialists.

What Are the Cons of In-House Development?

In-house software development can be challenging for organizations because they need to invest in the necessary tools and resources upfront and manage and support the development process internally. Additionally, in-house development can be slower than using an outside development team or using pre-built software solutions. Here are several disadvantages to in-house development:

  • Higher costs. In-house development can be more expensive than cooperation with remote teams. In-house development teams may need to be larger to handle all aspects of the development process, and they may require specialized equipment and software, not to mention long-term salaries.
  • Time constraints. Opting for in-house software development can be a time-consuming endeavor. In-house developers may need to learn new technologies for custom software solutions; in this way, they are only starting to gain the necessary experience.
  • Limited expertise. Developing in-house can be riskier than cooperating with a reliable software vendor. This is especially typical for large-scale projects when there is a strong need for extensive technology experience.

There are a few key ways to avoid the challenges of in-house software development:

  1. Hire an experienced software development team to manage the project from start to finish.
  2. Work with a software development company that specializes in your industry.
  3. Use agile methodology to manage and deliver the project in smaller increments.
  4. Define clear business objectives and requirements upfront.
  5. Have a dedicated project manager to ensure smooth communication and progress.

One of the most reliable ways for companies to avoid the challenges of in-house software development may consist in partnering with an experienced and reputable software development company. A professional software development vendor will have the necessary resources, processes, and expertise in place to successfully develop and launch software products. In addition, a reliable technology partner will be able to provide guidance and support throughout the software development process, ensuring that the end product meets the company’s specific needs and requirements.

Yet, companies can avoid the challenges of in-house software development by carefully planning and scoping the project from the outset and ensuring adequate coordination between the in-house team and the other stakeholders.


Over the years, numerous businesses have started to outsource their software development to ODCs. There are a number of advantages to this strategy, including cost savings and access to a larger pool of talent. When it comes to large-scale options that require extensive expertise, offshore development can be a more cost-effective option, especially for companies with limited budgets. It can also be faster, as offshore teams can work around the clock. However, there can be challenges in communication and cultural differences. The benefits of offshore development centers are many and varied, but one thing is certain: they are here to stay. With the ever-increasing demands of the global marketplace, companies are turning to offshore development centers to get the job done right. And with the right team in place, an offshore development center can be a powerful tool for your company to reimagine its digital transformation.

Intetics is an international technology company with a comprehensive technology experience. We provide our clients with the industry’s best infrastructure and configuration management, technical supervision, and top-notch governance. Interested in learning more about our practices of custom software development? If you’re looking for opportunities to expand your team and gain valuable insights into custom software development, don’t hesitate to contact us. Let’s turn your project into reality.


What is an offshore development center?

An offshore development center (ODC) is a facility where software development and other information technology (IT) services are outsourced to a third-party service provider. ODCs are often located in countries with lower labor costs.

What is in-house software development?

In-house software development is the process of developing software within an organization rather than outsourcing the development to a third party. This approach allows organizations to have more control over the development process, as well as the quality of the final product. In-house development also enables organizations to tailor the software to their specific needs rather than being limited to the functionality of off-the-shelf software. Yet, it can be more expensive and time-consuming than outsourcing.

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The Ins and Outs of the Dedicated Team Model in Software Development Fri, 02 Sep 2022 19:27:31 +0000 Find out about the dedicated team model, explore its structure, and discover how the model’s pros and cons can affect your software development process. What is the dedicated team model? What is a dedicated project team structure? These are parts of a unified business approach toward software development. The model stands along with the Time […]

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Find out about the dedicated team model, explore its structure, and discover how the model’s pros and cons can affect your software development process.

What is the dedicated team model? What is a dedicated project team structure? These are parts of a unified business approach toward software development. The model stands along with the Time and Material framework and helps bring in resources from a different company that is dedicated to delivering your project.

What Is the Dedicated Team Model?


Grand View Research indicates the global business software and services market is valued at $474 billion. More importantly, Statista anticipates this market will reach a staggering $812 billion by 2027. It is a massive market, and many companies offering custom software development services are looking for a way to enter it.

There are different instruments for getting a piece of the pie. While some businesses extend their in-house teams, others use the tool known as the dedicated team model. It is closely related to outsourcing, another phenomenon in the making. Statista shows that about 46% of companies use outsourcing as a primary entry point. Keeping all this in mind, let’s plunge deeper into the dedicated team model phenomenon, investigate its ins and outs, and determine what advantages it can bring to the needs of your business.

The Dedicated Team Model in a Nutshell

In simple terms, the dedicated team model is a particular business approach used in software development. In broader terms, this method includes three constituents: your company as a client, an outsourcing company as a middleman, and a dedicated team of developers as the human resource you are looking for. In such a case, an outsourcing company finds a team of professionals who will be dedicated to completing your project. You should understand that the dedicated team model is not an extended one. How? While the extended team approach enables an extension of your existing team, the dedicated team model offers a separate team, which is separate from your management.

The dedicated team model can be applied in different industries. There is a growing demand for software development services in various markets (share, by end use, 2021). See Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Global business software and services market — Source: Grand View Research

Choosing the right model is a direct way toward getting an entry point and a competitive advantage. Yet, to get the most value out of the dedicated team model, you need to know how it operates. There are four steps involved:

  1. The client outlines their needs, including the number of new employees required and the tech stack they deliver.
  2. An outsourcing team, a provider, hires a dedicated team based on the aforementioned requirements.
  3. The client and the team agree on all the terms and conditions and deal with aspects like the cost of labor and any associated expenditures.
  4. The dedicated team works on the project under the client’s control and oversight.

These are the basic steps of the dedicated team model’s functionality. Knowing how the approach works allows you to prepare for any potential hiccups. What’s more, it enables you to get all the project requirements together and have a clear vision of what you want from a dedicated team. As a result, the dedicated team model is a way to bring outsourcing to match your needs. Because of the broad dedicated team structure, the model works for almost any project on the market.

Dedicated Project Team Structure in Project Management

You can get dedicated team services through agencies, aggregators, and reaching out. If it is your first time with the dedicated team model, the best approach is to look for a well-recognized agency (for instance, Odesk), and let the vendor pull all the weight. If you have experience working with dedicated teams, you can use Clutch or GoodFirms to check the reviews of ratings of various dedicated teams and agencies working with them. Finally, if you have time and resources to pinpoint the particular team or professionals, reach out via LinkedIn and look for fresh talent in that massive talent pool.

With all the methods mentioned above, you can have your hands on a variety of experts. The list of roles within a dedicated project team structure is long and, most often, includes the following professionals:

  • Engineers: These are technical experts who deliver the ins and outs of a selected tech stack.
    • Front-end. Work with User Interface (UI) elements while focusing on what an end product will look like.
    • Back-end. Handle web services, data storage, server components, and implementation logic to ensure the end product’s functionality.
    • DevOps. Collaborate with other developers to coordinate the development, operations, and testing.
    • Quality Assurance (QA). Test the product, assess its quality, and find all the loopholes that need to be fixed before the release.
  • UI/UX designers. They create the product’s interface and determine how it will behave upon user interaction.
  • Business analysts. They translate technical information into something executive management and shareholders can understand while building the bridge between IT and the management.
  • Project managers. They orchestrate the development process through all its cycles, from initiation to control and closure.

The dedicated development team model presupposes having access to professionals that can meet the specific needs of your project. Depending on the budget, a client can either have a particularly dedicated team member on board or the entire team. Besides, a collaboration with a dedicated team can start at any given phase, from discovery, throughout the development, and to the buyout. As a result, the dedicated project team structure is multifaceted and can meet the needs of the most complex projects.

Advantages of the Dedicated Team Model

When done correctly, the dedicated development team model is all about the benefits it brings. Businesses try different approaches because each has particular needs, budgets, and human resources. However, there are some universal aspects any given company would like to have. The following are the key advantages brought by dedicated teams.


It is every software development company’s dream to have high-quality outsourcing services for a reasonable price. It doesn’t matter if it’s an offshore or nearshore dedicated team. When you get good services for a good price, it means you have found a good deal. Yet, it is often hard to find the prices you like because of the constantly growing salaries in the software development market (see Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Average software development engineers’ salaries — Source: Statista

Keeping that in mind, hiring a dedicated team is economically viable and reasonable. It is the key advantage of the dedicated team model. You don’t need to spend valuable time and resources gathering a team of professionals together. It is plain simple. You pay the price and have a dedicated team up and running.

Clearer Focus

Dedicated teams envision a focused approach. There are no distractions involved. Hiring professionals have a clear goal, apparent guidelines, and a well-established objective in mind. Dedicated teams are highly invested in the project. Such a method generates in-depth insights and creative solutions. Furthermore, dedicated teams can be adjusted to the new requirements with a clear focus in play. The dedicated team development model delivers results with a precise focus on the project.

Faster Development Cycle

Often, companies bring dedicated teams on board to boost their development cycle. Because the mode entails more of a hands-on approach, these teams can work at a higher pace in control than agile teams or those encompassing the Time and Materials model. Besides, if you properly use DevOps insights, you can streamline the workflow even further and have your first Minimum Viable Product (MVP) as soon as possible. This advantage is vital in markets with tight competition. Use the dedicated team model to bring value to your customers at a higher pace.

Improved Collaboration

When using any given model for a long-term project, you’ll likely face problems with collaboration. The longer people work on the same project, the more they lose sight of a broader picture—that is, the initial objectives that were set. However, it is something that the dedicated team model can help with. Dedicated teams promote collaboration within the team itself as well as between the team and a client. With a clear focus, they are fully invested in the project delivery. This entails tight communication and interaction, which brings new levels of collaboration.

Seamless Integration

It is safe to say that products that do not stop evolving have the highest chances of success and survival. Often, users’ preferences change. New trends are popping up. And technological advancements bring new variables into the equation. It means that an app, for instance, should be updated and maintained constantly. In such a case, the dedicated team model works best for evolving projects. You can keep a team intact throughout the product’s lifecycle. And you don’t need to scale the team at any point.

More Transparency

In the past, it was hard to keep track of outsourcing projects. Clients often faced additional expenditures due to the lack of transparency. Luckily, there are tools like Jira and Trello now. They offer time-tracking capabilities coupled with project management elements. However, with dedicated teams, you often get another level of collaboration. Working on the same project tightly establishes polished workflows. With instruments like Jira and Trello, you have clear task delegation and productivity assessment. Putting all these things together grants new levels of transparency.

Disadvantages of the Dedicated Team Model

To be honest, the dedicated team model is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It means dedicated team services have some disadvantages to keep in mind. While only a few of them still need to be accounted for.

It Takes Time

Having a dedicated team on board depends on several factors. And being fully invested in the selection process is one of them. Simply put, if you don’t spend enough time carefully putting a dedicated team together, you’ll have disappointing outcomes. In other words, being involved with the dedicated team model takes a lot of time. As a result, if you don’t have time to spare and are looking for a quick solution, a dedicated team is not an option.

Not for a Short-Term Project

To get the full potential of a dedicated team, you need to spend a great deal of time together. The process is built upon tight collaboration and interaction. Besides, a dedicated team is best for complex and evolving products. Essentially, the approach is unfit for short-term projects.

Not a Silver Bullet

If you are looking at the dedicated team model as an approach to meeting the requirements of any project, you need to look at it differently. What is more, there is no such team on the market that can be equally applicable to all the scenarios. Before selecting a dedicated team, always double-check whether such a model meets your needs. For instance, if you don’t have clear goals for your project, getting a dedicated team on board might not be the wisest solution.

Issues with Time Zones

If an offshore dedicated team is involved, there can be problems with various time zones. However, you can compensate for the issue with different agile instruments involved. To deal with repositories, consider Git. In turn, Jenkins can help with server automation. ActiveCollab enables an agile management approach. Finally, Bamboo is there for testing and deployment. Equipped with these tools, dedicated offshore teams work as if they were in a single time zone.

Why Outsource Your Software Development Project with the Dedicated Team Model?

At this point, we see that the dedicated team model is a viable option for timely project delivery. However, one might have a reasonable question – why outsource a software development project in the first place when you can have an in-house team working on it? One of the most obvious answers—outsourcing is a massive market (see Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Global business process outsourcing market — Source: Precedence Research

The fact that the outsourcing market is booming is an apparent indicator of a growing demand for the approach. However, the case of outsourcing can even be taken further. Along with a booming market, the method brings several key benefits.

  • Outsourcing allows for freeing internal resources and lets in-house teams focus on the most important business operations.
  • Outsourcing is cheaper than in-house team extension, which brings lower operating costs.
  • Outsourcing makes staffing flexible and allows shuffling of human resources following the project’s priorities.
  • Outsourcing is a direct way to access a global talent pool to meet all your project needs.

These are the core reasons companies choose outsourcing. In a nutshell, it is a great way to have the professionals you need for a reasonable price and without too much hassle concerning aspects like hiring and termination. You can fill the project’s gaps at any given stage.

Reasons Why You Need the Dedicated Development Team Model

You might have noticed that the dedicated development team model is not for everyone at this point. To understand whether you need this approach, it is important to cover some basics. Without further ado, these are the reasons why you need to hire a dedicated team:

  • Your in-house team doesn’t have enough expertise.
  • You have a large and complex project at your disposal.
  • The project is long-term and entails constant updating.
  • You look for flexibility at all costs.
  • You need project control without questions asked.

If at least one of the aforementioned reasons is on your checklist, then the dedicated team model is a go for you. If all the elements mentioned above are on the list, your project won’t survive with a carefully selected dedicated team. As a result, you need the model when you face a long-term complex project and want control and flexibility in the process.

Dedicated Intetics Team — How Can We Help You?

So, if you are sure, you need a dedicated team, it is time to look for vendors that can offer you the best option. At this point, it is best to choose the companies that have the knowledge, experience, expertise, and portfolio. Intetics is the company that can offer you these aspects and many more. How?

  • First, we use a progressive delivery model, creating a dedicated team for our product.
  • Second, we selected engaging and relevant software engineers and experts who can achieve your project goals as quickly as possible.
  • Third, throughout the entire journey, Intetics Offshore Dedicated Team is responsible for the delivery and results.

Intetics delivers long-term organization coupled with 100 percent dedication to your project for a reasonable price. You will have no headaches and hiccups associated with logistics and operations. What is more, the Intetics Offshore Dedicated Team has worked in almost every domain. The company offers 27+ years of experience translated into unique approaches that help clients achieve business needs.

Wrapping Up

The dedicated team model is a distinct form of outsourcing. It is different from team extension. The approach stems from bringing forward a team of professionals that meet the specific needs of a client’s project. A dedicated team is the best fit for long-term complex projects with various moving parts. If you want a short-term project delivered, look for a different model. Working solely with an in-house team is not the most reasonable option. There are some tangible benefits of outsourcing, including the dedicated team model. If you intend to try out those advantages, it is time to start with a simple nudge.

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How to Manage a Software Development Team: Ultimate Guide Fri, 26 Aug 2022 17:28:10 +0000 Read to get ultimate insights into managing a software development team. Here you will find ideas to solve common challenges faced by project managers. Essential Tips for Managing a Software Development Team There exists a belief that project management is a dream occupation. You’re getting a chance to become the leader and one of the […]

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Read to get ultimate insights into managing a software development team. Here you will find ideas to solve common challenges faced by project managers.

Essential Tips for Managing a Software Development Team

There exists a belief that project management is a dream occupation. You’re getting a chance to become the leader and one of the main rockstars of a software development project. But, as a company with solid experience in handling projects of different complexity, we’ll tell you that this occupation is not as attractive as it may seem. A leader of a development team should cope with conflicts, track project completion remotely, and find personalized approaches to deal with more technically skilled specialists.

And the question is: How to cope with all these troubles? Lucky for us (and our partners), there are always solutions that help overcome the challenges. In this article, we will share our knowledge on the subject. Here are useful tips for the most common challenges in project management.


How to Manage a Software Development Team with Project Management Software

Most probably, you’ve heard a lot about various project management apps. These solutions help managers automate their practices and become more efficient. But it doesn’t mean that you won’t face any challenges while working with project management tools. So, here are just a few pieces of advice to those who seek help with using innovative technologies for efficient project management.

Set Up Expectations

When you start managing a development team, you must clearly define its goals and expected deliverables. Regardless of the project management software involved, you must create a centralized place with the basic information for all team members. And it is challenging to find a more vital piece of information for the team than a list of clearly defined project expectations.

So, make sure to define the goals as clearly as possible. And make sure that all team members understand them and have access to this list as a reference book.

Distribute Tasks

One of the greatest benefits of project management software is the opportunity to manage and assign tasks in virtual workflow boards. Trello, Jira, and other project management platforms provide great functionality for such task assignment and distribution. Employees can instantly access the board from their accounts to check the task and its main implications.

So, make sure to distribute the tasks as soon as possible to get an early start. Think of your subordinates’ needs and do your best to deliver convenient workflow board tickets. This includes attaching reference files and useful links. Also, the more detailed task descriptions you provide, the better.

Set Specific Deadlines

It is a vital thing for those who manage development teams. Regardless of the technologies and approaches you use. Besides, we strongly recommend you avoid long deadlines, as they can spur procrastination in your team. At least, this is what the studies show. Hence, try to focus on shorter deadlines. Make sure to revisit project dashboards a few times per day to update all tasks and set new deadlines.

Your main goal is to keep the employees in good shape. And keeping them in this shape means constantly reminding them of approaching deadlines, which helps them avoid procrastination. Also, make sure that your subordinates constantly check their task deadlines on the management platform. Without proper time discipline, the entire workflow may be easily ruined.

Monitor the Progress

In the previous part, we’ve already mentioned the need to establish specific deadlines and update them from time to time. Doing this is impossible if you don’t establish quality progress monitoring. Ideally, employees will mark the task as “completed” once they manage to finish it. And the system will notify you about such progress.

However, this works in the ideal world. In our world, you should be prepared for your staff to forget to update their task progress. Therefore, you’ll need to “ping” your team members and ask them about their task statuses from time to time.

The main things here are persistence and self-confidence. You’re the #1 person on the project, so don’t be afraid that someone will consider you too annoying. It is your obligation to know everything about the task’s progress. If you do these things well, your subordinates will soon learn to mark their updates in the system. And that’s when you’ll get the full advantage of task management software.

Create a Common File Storage

Any project involves vital resources that can be used as references or tips. Such resources might include technical documentation, standard operating procedures (SOPs), development notes, and so on. If you don’t want to deliver all of this to your subordinates in person (this may be extremely time-consuming), then you should create shared file storage.

Fortunately, most project management platforms provide you with such an option. Your task is to create a system of permissions for all team members. And make sure that no employee is left without permissions that are vital for their work.

How to Lead and Manage a Remote Development Team?

So, as you may see, the right software makes managing a software development team much less challenging. But what should you do if you are leading a remote team? This situation is pretty common nowadays, as more and more businesses deliver their tasks to remote vendors.

As software development outsourcing is on the rise, managers should master various remote-control practices. At least, it is what we, a company with significant experience in remote work, do. So, here are numerous key insights for people who are managing a software development team remotely.

Focus on Developers’ Reliability

So, this part is the most crucial when it comes to managing software development projects remotely. You may be a perfect manager, but if you’re working with irresponsible team members, there will likely be problems. So, the first and, perhaps, the most crucial step in remote projects is to find the right people for your team. Work with tried and trusted partners, rely on credible recommendations, set three-level interviews, or do anything that may help you find nice and responsible team members.

Just remember to use any means necessary when you build a remote team. As for our personal recommendation, we tend to rely on dedicated teams where all professionals know each other and, often, have solid experience in working together.

Practice One-to-One Meetings

Never underestimate the value of one-to-one communication. Stand-up team meetings are good, but they’re not enough. For many workers, those are just moments when they should quickly tell you about their task progress. Rarely, there may be a productive collective discussion. But, let’s be honest, most developers perceive such meetings as a boring formality.

If you want to engage your team members and understand their needs and urges better, a sincere one-to-one conversation is a must. You and your subordinates won’t have time and resources for daily one-to-ones.

However, make sure to arrange such meetings from time to time. If you do things right, an employee will constantly feel engaged. After all, one-to-ones can eliminate the sense of “professional vacuum” that is very familiar to most remote workers.

Adjust to Subordinates’ Time Zones

Your subordinates may live in different time zones, and it creates challenges. If the time zones are very different, creating a meeting schedule that fits you and your team members is a very difficult task. So, you need to adapt and adjust your own schedule to the needs of your colleagues.

Ideally, plan recurring team meetings during specific hours that fit both you and your subordinates. And don’t be too focused on making a compromise. Scheduling a meeting at 3 AM just because it fits your colleague with a 12-hour time zone difference is not the best idea.

Practice Tried and Trusted Methodologies

There are so many project methodologies that perfectly fit the cases where you should manage a software development project remotely. These methodologies have been developed with consideration of offshoring and nearshoring, so they will fit your remote project.

For example, you may go with Agile. In this case, all project tasks will be completed in sprints and repetitive iterations. This approach keeps you constantly updated on the project. And it allows you to roll back the progress if there are some issues with sprint results.

The key benefit is that you shouldn’t start the project phase from the very start. Instead, you should go only two weeks back. And control and flexibility are the features that make Agile a perfect solution for remote management.

Provide Constant Feedback

Feedback is vital for managing a software development team. However, its value becomes even higher when it comes to remote projects. You may easily combine this tip with one-to-one meetings. Because a personal meeting is the best moment for providing your feedback to a subordinate. It helps you keep things private and get the most honest reaction from the employee.

Also, such a meeting is a perfect moment to start a constructive discussion. Needless to say that it will help employees understand how their effort is evaluated and whether they are doing well at all. And it gives you great opportunities to keep your subordinates motivated.

Managing a Software Development Team without Technical Experience?

Are you still feeling insecure about your skill in managing a software development team? You’ve likely received such a task without having the required technical expertise.

No worries! Many people have been in the same or similar situations, so there are tried and trusted methods that will help you act as a great project manager even without technical expertise. Let’s outline the most valuable pieces of advice in this chapter.

Don’t Treat Your Subordinates Like Code Monkeys

How about the classic argument about the need to view your subordinates as personalities? Do you think that this suggestion is obvious and such assertions sound a little bit pathetic? Then, you will be surprised to know how many managers make the mistake of mistreating the developers.

By measuring your developers’ performance by the number of code lines they have written or how many bugs they have fixed, you may make a significant mistake. The right approach is to evaluate your subordinates by a combination of factors. And always remember that you’re dealing with personalities, not mindless facility robots.

Always Ask Questions

No matter how you try to hide your lack of technical knowledge, software geeks will easily understand that you’re not an expert. But don’t think that it is a severe problem! You’ll always have chances to improve the situation. Just don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Even if you think that you’re becoming too annoying, keep on asking. This will bring you some precious practical knowledge on the subject matter, helping you become a real subject matter expert. This will definitely pay off in the future!

Be Attentive to Your Subordinates’ Needs

Even if you don’t understand some technical aspects of the project, experienced developers will cover you. The key point is to build good relationships with these guys. This means that you should be attentive to their needs.

Don’t be too submissive but remain flexible enough to preserve your authority and satisfy your subordinates’ basic needs. Also, pay attention to the project aspects they really dislike. If a specific developer hates online meetings, overloading his schedule with such meetings may be an awful idea.

Think of Motivation

Motivating one’s subordinates is one of the most valuable things about managing software development teams. And you can cope with it — even if you don’t have too much tech expertise. Communicate with tech specialists (but beware of being too annoying), understand them better, and get certain clues on what keeps them motivated.

If you do things right, you will get all the information you need. The next step is taking advantage of this information. Engage your subordinates, make them passionate about the project outcome, and you will earn their commitment. Our managers will tell you that it is impossible to overestimate the value of this factor when it comes to custom software development.

Assert Your Authority

There’s always a risk that tech specialists may not perceive a person without a solid technical background as a leader. Fortunately, you can easily fix this problem with the right approach. And, one more time, communication becomes the key.

Show these guys that you’re a strong leader who clearly understands team goals and the overall purpose of the project. It is all about character, self-confidence, and dedication.

Also, make your subordinates understand that dense cooperation with you is what they need. If they are motivated to view you as a leader and understand that your leadership is profitable to them, they will act correspondingly.

Master Non-Technical Work Duties

You can easily compensate for the lack of technical understanding. Just be strong in non-technical project aspects. This means choosing the best approach to scheduling, being patient with tickets and their statuses, and showing excellent communicative skills.

In this case, you will raise your authority by showing the subordinates that you produce a really big impact. Just become an engine that drives the project. And if you do everything well, tech specialists will do their best to help you. And the project will go smoothly, up to its successful finish.


So, these were the basic tips for the most common software development team management challenges in software development. We’ve built these insights based on years of professional experience. And, believe me, we have polished all these practices. It is what makes Intetics one of the most proficient teams on the market. So, we certainly know how to efficiently manage software teams with the best tools, remotely, or even if a project manager is not a tech geek. And, again, from our rich experience, we can tell that the main pillars of successful project management are devotion, communication, and the ability to manifest authority. All other things are just technical aspects.

The post <strong><em>How to Manage a Software Development Team: Ultimate Guide</em></strong> appeared first on Intetics.

New Intetics Office in Moldova: Expanding Our Footprint in Eastern Europe, One of the Best Regions to Source Software Development Teams Tue, 16 Aug 2022 04:13:30 +0000 Supporting our clients is getting even easier with a new office in Chisinau, Moldova, a growing source of innovation to meet the demand for custom software development services done right. The local Information Technology initiatives are moving toward digital transformation of the economy and flexible government policies, making this Eastern European country one of the […]

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Supporting our clients is getting even easier with a new office in Chisinau, Moldova, a growing source of innovation to meet the demand for custom software development services done right. The local Information Technology initiatives are moving toward digital transformation of the economy and flexible government policies, making this Eastern European country one of the best regions to source a software development team.

By adding one more delivery location to our map, we aim to create new IT job opportunities in Moldova. Besides, we continue providing advanced software solutions for new and existing clients, working in 17+ industries, including Healthcare, Logistics, Finance, the Geospatial sector, etc.

“Moldova is important for us, not only in terms of the region’s sophisticated technical specialists but also due to new opportunities for building long-term collaborative partner relationships. We invite businesses to become our clients and new talents to join our team.” 

Boris Kontsevoi, Ceo and President, Intetics Inc.

We leverage a large Moldovan pool of talent, excellent communication infrastructure, and competitive pricing to enhance our unique team formation solution. It is a one-stop journey to complete your IT projects with tangible business benefits, reached within the framework of proprietary cooperation models: Offshore Dedicated Team® and Remote In-Sourcing®.

Depending on your needs, just choose the suitable model for you and get started.

On top of that, Intetics also acquired Moldova IT Park tax preferences, comprising a single tax equal to 7% of gross sales revenue. Obtaining immigration documents for foreigners has now also become more accessible with reduced bureaucratic barriers. These conditions are undoubtedly an advantage for the growing competitiveness of the Moldovan IT sector.

If you want a chance to advance your career, explore our open positions and reach out. We offer our teammates an opportunity to grow, reveal their potential, learn, and be generously rewarded.

Check Out Our Newly Opened Locations:

  1. Intetics Opens New Location in Armenia, a Growing Tech Hub
  2. Welcome to the Intetics Office in Georgia, Batumi. New Software Development Team Building Opportunities for your IT projects.

The post New Intetics Office in Moldova: Expanding Our Footprint in Eastern Europe, One of the Best Regions to Source Software Development Teams appeared first on Intetics.

Best Regions to Source a Software Development Team. Thu, 28 Jul 2022 03:06:05 +0000 If you’re only working with an in-house software development team, you’re missing out on a wide array of benefits — from costs savings and increased efficiency to a deeper talent pool. Gone are the days when the US, China, and India were the only coveted development regions: Eastern Europe is quickly rising to the forefront. […]

The post Best Regions to Source a Software Development Team. appeared first on Intetics.

If you’re only working with an in-house software development team, you’re missing out on a wide array of benefits — from costs savings and increased efficiency to a deeper talent pool. Gone are the days when the US, China, and India were the only coveted development regions: Eastern Europe is quickly rising to the forefront. Even tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and IBM have begun to focus on this promising area, opening up software development centers.

It’s understandable to feel hesitant about overhauling your team structure. After all, who wants to go through the hassle of recruiting and onboarding again? Well, there’s a way around that: Remote In-Sourcing®. But more on that later! For now, let’s look at the advantages of hiring from other regions, as well as the most promising tech hotspots.

Software Development Team

Why Should You Look to Other Regions to Find Developers.

There are many benefits to working with an offshore development team, including:

  1. Cost savings: Offshore development teams are often much cheaper to work with than in-house teams or even local freelancers. You can hire teams from countries with lower costs of living; salaries will likewise become more affordable.
  2. Access to a global talent pool: Don’t limit yourself to your own locale! By broadening your scope, you can find the best developers in the world, no matter where they are located.
  3. Increased efficiency: To maximize this benefit, you can hire developers from multiple regions of the world. Upon doing so, you’ll have a workforce distributed across multiple time zones — if you strategize right, this can significantly reduce your product’s time to market.

Top Regions to Source Talent.

1. Eastern Europe.

Eastern European countries like Poland or Moldova are home to a large number of talented software developers and have become a popular destination for outsourcing in recent years. The region offers a number of advantages, including competitive pricing, a large pool of talent, and a good communication infrastructure.

What’s more, the tech landscape is rapidly growing — for instance, Poland has become a destination for outsourced business services; this sector has grown three times faster in Poland than in India.

There are also tax incentives in Eastern European countries that aim to attract IT employers and developers. Furthermore, Eastern Europe is home to some of the best tech universities in the world, including the Warsaw University of Technology and POLITEHNICA. These universities each produce 1,000-2,000 graduates per year, making the talent pool even wider.

2. Caucasus.

If you turn your gaze a little further Southeast, you’ll find another rapidly-developing tech region: the Caucasus. The countries therein (Georgia and Armenia, in particular) are viable sourcing candidates. While the Caucasus might not be as popular of an offshoring region as Eastern Europe, it is experiencing continuous, sustainable growth in the IT sector. For example, over the last fiscal year, Armenia managed to increase the YoY growth rate of ICT revenue from 2.8% to 7.4%.

Caucasus has a well-educated, English-proficient workforce, strong IT university programs, and solid government support for the IT sector. And yet, labor and operating costs are even lower than in Eastern Europe. 

Selecting a Team Model.

After you’ve determined which regions you want to source developers from, you’ll need to choose a team model. Distributed development is one of the most common methods of working with overseas developers, but it comes with its own challenges. Remote In-Sourcing® addresses those challenges and combines the benefits of in-house and offshore development.

Let’s take a look at both models. 

Distributed Teams Model.

If you follow this model, you’ll hire decentralized teams located across various regions — where those regions are is up to you. The teams will use collaborative technologies to plan, design, build, test, and manage software. This model is excellent for saving costs and improving efficiency, but you’ll have to scour the globe for top talent, which can be time-consuming.


  • You can build a distributed team much faster than an in-house one.
  • Resources can be moved around easily.
  • You’ll get access to a wider talent pool.


  • Management and communication can be more difficult when your team is geographically distributed.
  • With a wider talent pool to source from, you may face the “paradox of choice.”

Remote In-Sourcing® Model.

With this model, you’ll work with a vendor who handles all of the logistics and hiring. Unlike the distributed team model, you won’t have to deal with the hassle of recruiting developers, setting up workspaces, or maintaining operations. You’ll receive a dedicated remote team that integrates with your in-house team and is exclusively dedicated to your project — and you get to keep all of the intellectual property.   


  • This is the fastest way to build a development team, and you don’t have to worry about any of the hiring processes.
  • You have full control over the team.
  • The team can easily be scaled up and down as needed.
  • By using the Intetics’ Team Formation model, your team can handle all project phases from initial prototype to support.
  • You keep all of the intellectual property.
  • You can benefit from a wide talent pool and affordable salaries.


  • Because your team is distributed across geographical lines, it’s important to take extra care with communications.

Ready to Access a Global Talent Pool Without the Hassle of Recruitment?

If you want to unlock the cost savings, productivity, and flexibility of a distributed team — but without actually scouring the globe for talent — then Intetics’ proprietary Remote In-Sourcing® Model might be the right solution.  

Do you need extra resources to sustain a long-term project? Do you want to use global markets to your advantage? Do you need a quick turnaround time for team formation? If so, reach out to us, and we’ll get the ball rolling.

Related Materials:

  1. How to Safely Migrate Your Software Projects to a Different Development Team
  2. How To Transition to a Different Development Team Model

The post Best Regions to Source a Software Development Team. appeared first on Intetics.

Intetics Opens New Location in Armenia, a Growing Tech Hub Fri, 22 Jul 2022 01:36:00 +0000 We are excited to announce that as of June 28th, 2022, Intetics has opened a new office in Armenia, allowing us to provide even more businesses with custom software solutions! At Intetics, we strive to scale globally — and to globalize the impact that our solutions have. Because Intetics is where our customers are. Our […]

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We are excited to announce that as of June 28th, 2022, Intetics has opened a new office in Armenia, allowing us to provide even more businesses with custom software solutions!

At Intetics, we strive to scale globally — and to globalize the impact that our solutions have. Because Intetics is where our customers are.

Welcome to Intetics in Armenia

Our new location is based in the city center of Yerevan, Armenia’s capital.

But why Armenia?

Armenia has become one of the most popular places for tech companies to move to; its home to experienced developers, and its low tax rate allows us to pass cost-savings on to our clients. So, you get quality at a more affordable price. And, because our spacious, comfortable office provides developers with everything they need to be productive, their satisfaction shines through in their work.

“Before Armenia, I did not know it could ever be so sunny — it is a lovely and warm country. I like to work from the office, so the opening of a representative one in Yerevan was great news for me. I like the office very much: it’s compact, cozy, and comfortable, it has everything you need.”

Ruslan Musalov, Geodata Technician at Intetics
Intetics in Armenia
Intetics in Armenia

Our new office offers revolutionary team formation solutions that are custom-tailored to your needs. No matter where your company is located, our team is ready to integrate seamlessly with your own. In-house software development teams are quickly becoming old news; remote distribution is where it’s at!

If you want to learn how you can save on costs and improve your product’s time to market, reach out to Intetics today. With our new Armenian location, we are better equipped than ever to provide you with fast, high-quality results.

We look forward to opening up in more locations across the globe. Stay tuned — big things are coming!

Want to join our development team in the new Armenian office? Check out our open global vacancies.

The post Intetics Opens New Location in Armenia, a Growing Tech Hub appeared first on Intetics.

How To Transition to a Different Development Team Model Tue, 31 May 2022 00:08:00 +0000 Distributed development teams are on the rise — and it makes sense. After all, the decentralized team model offers a number of advantages, from access to global talent to faster turnaround times. But making the transition from one team model to another can be difficult. Is it worth making the switch? That’s what we want […]

The post How To Transition to a Different Development Team Model appeared first on Intetics.


Distributed development teams are on the rise — and it makes sense. After all, the decentralized team model offers a number of advantages, from access to global talent to faster turnaround times. But making the transition from one team model to another can be difficult. Is it worth making the switch?

Team Formation

That’s what we want to help you figure out. We’ll present you with the pros and cons of in-house and distributed models, as well as present you with a growing alternative: Remote In-Sourcing®. We’ll also give you tips on making the transition as smooth as possible.

Types of Development Team Models

First, it’s important to understand the nuances of each development team model. Now, we aren’t talking about what SDLC your team uses (Agile, Waterfall, etc.). Instead, we’re referring to where your team resides and how you source developers.

In-house was the traditional model for development teams for decades; it implies building an internal team from scratch and having them work at a central location. But in today’s ever-virtualizing world, local teams have naturally evolved into distributed teams.

Remote technologies have paved the way for global, cross-national collaboration — letting you source developers from countries with more affordable salaries, set up advantageous working hours, and benefit from the best minds in the world.   

And there is one more viable model that we’d like to discuss: Remote In-Sourcing®. This combines the advantages of in-house and distributed teams. Essentially, the vendor will provide you with fully remote developers who act like an in-house team. It can be considered similar to offshoring in that you don’t have to worry about logistics and operations, but the team operates completely under your direction and is exclusively dedicated to your project. This model allows you to easily scale up and down the number of developers you need, totally eliminate the expensive and time-consuming recruiting process, and access talented specialists who integrate seamlessly with your own team.

Now that you’ve gotten an overview of development team models, let’s examine their pros and cons.



  • It is your team, so you are in control of every facet: from organizational culture and communication to the code of conduct.
  • This model offers fast, synchronous communication.


  • Your talent pool is more limited than in other models, and it’s harder to scale your team.
  • Because you are sourcing from your own region, you can’t leverage the affordable salaries of other countries.
  • Costs are high for the team, equipment, and software.

Remote In-Sourcing®


  • Teams can be built quicker than the other models.
  • You control the team without having to worry about recruitment costs.
  • You can scale the team up and down.
  • You can benefit from affordable salaries and a wide talent pool.
  • You keep 100% of the intellectual property.


  • As with the distributed development model, there may be a difference in time zones, so extra care should be taken with communications.


 Team ModelsIn-HouseDistributed DevelopmentRemote In-Sourcing ®
PriceThe most expensive out of the three models.More affordable than in-house development, as you can hire professionals from countries with lower costs of living.The most affordable option, as you can scale down if needed. You no longer have to worry about keeping developers on board during times of low demand.
Acquiring TalentDifficult to acquire talent, and staff turnover is often high.It’s easier to acquire talent, as you have a much wider talent pool.It’s the easiest model for acquiring talent, as the Remote In-Sourcing® provider handles it for you.
CommunicationFast, efficient, and synchronous communicationCommunication can be impaired if there is a difference in time zonesCommunication can be impaired if there is a difference in time zones

How To Switch Models

After reviewing the pros and cons of each model, perhaps you want to change the distribution of your own development team. It’s worth noting that you don’t have to switch to one method exclusively: for instance, you can use a Remote In-Sourcing® team to supplement your in-house team.

This allows you to keep a few developers on staff year-round while accessing affordable engineers when you need them — without needing to go through the trouble of recruiting.

Regardless of which model you want to switch to/from, there are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Maintain thorough, accurate documentation before the switch, as it makes it easier for new developers to acclimate to your project.
  2. Before transitioning to a new development team, make sure to review your contract’s termination clause to check who owns the codebase.
  3. If you’re parting ways with a development team, make sure to coordinate directly with third parties, including hosting providers and payment gateways.
  4. Set expectations for the transition, and factor in time for new team members to familiarize themselves with your project.

Meet Intetics — The Leading Provider of Remote In-Sourcing®

Remote In-Sourcing® is Intetics’s proprietary software development team model, and it’s been applied to numerous global projects. We’ve helped companies of all industries optimize their performance and accelerate time to market. Our development teams are scalable, follow the Agile SDLC, and have the talent needed to give your business a competitive boost.

If you’re ready to supplement or replace your in-house development team without the headaches of recruiting, reach out today!

The post How To Transition to a Different Development Team Model appeared first on Intetics.
