Extended Abstract, Intetics Inc.
4851 Tamiami Trail N, Suite 200, Naples, FL 34103-3098, United States
Keywords: Auto Scaling, Big Data, Cloud App, Cloud Computing, Distributed Computing, Migration, On-Demand Computing, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
Many businesses are operating in the cloud, and those who haven’t yet made the switch are considering migration. Why do an astonishing 94% of enterprises use the cloud? Intetics aims to answer this question in its Cloud Technologies White Paper. Get expert insight on the business benefits of cloud computing, main industry players, the market scope, and much mMany businesses are operating in the cloud, and those who haven’t yet made the switch are considering migration. Why do an astonishing 94% of enterprises use the cloud? Get the answer to this question within the Cloud Technologies White Paper. Get expert insight on the business benefits of cloud computing, main industry players, the market scope, and much more. Below, you can find an overview of all topics presented in the White Paper.
I. Objective
The White Paper opens by introducing the main topic: the business benefits that come from keeping IT infrastructure in the cloud. Learn the main advantages and addresses figures presented in the Rightscale 2019 State of the Cloud Report.
II. Main Problems to Be Solved/Needs to Be Addressed
In this section, you will be given further details about the advantages of cloud technology; the ones covered include rapid implementation, heightened business agility, abundant resources and testing environments, minimization of resource costs, elimination of end-of-life timelines, and many more. Get an explanation of how cloud technologies make each benefit possible.
Then, move on to the major cloud challenges for a balanced view. The White Paper covers common challenges from the State of the Cloud Report, including governance, security, expenditure, and compliance. Learn how organizations can avoid each of these pitfalls.
The White Paper then provides the challenges of cloud migration, explaining how legacy applications are difficult to move to the cloud, hybrid clouds are harder to manage, and costs are challenging to predict.
III. Overview
Become familiar with some of the core information on cloud computing – first, the White Paper examines the 4 types of clouds: public, private, hybrid, and community. Next, learn about various cloud computing services; get the answer to the question, “what makes a service cloud-based?”
Then, delve into the 4 kinds of cloud computing services: Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, and Functions as a Service. Learn each service’s defining characteristics, disadvantages, what business applications they are suitable for, and examples.
The White Paper then moves on to a breakdown of the industry’s main players, placing a heavy focus on the top 3: AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. View a comparison of the top providers and consider criteria to determine which one is right for you. If you’re looking for an alternative to one of “The Big 3,” this section provides excellent ones.
IV. Total Market Volume
Learn how much worldwide cloud infrastructure services were worth in 2020 and 2019, and get the YoY increase figure. The White Paper presents forecasted growth from Gartner and breaks markets down into service types.
Next, get a look at the market landscape with key statistics on cloud usage – such as how many cloud applications that average employee uses per day.
V. A Brief History of Development
Dive into the history of cloud computing, starting with IBM’s Virtual Machine System in 1972, stretching to 1996 when the term “cloud computing” was coined, and ending with 2019’s prevalent cloud usage.
VI. Main Tech Components
Get an overview of the most common cloud tech stacks, including Infrastructure, App Definition & Development, and Management & Governance. Within the Infrastructure tech stack, the White Paper examines monitoring, logging, provisioning, tracing, and much more. Moving on to the App Definition & Development stack, you’ll learn about application integration, analytics, machine learning, CI/CD, and data warehouses. Lastly, with Management & Governance, examine security technologies, billing and cost management, and services that allow customers to examine resource utilization.
VII. Examples of Reference Architectures in AWS
Learn about 3 kinds of reference architectures in AWS: Web application serverless architecture, messaging serverless architecture, and business intelligence serverless architecture.
VIII. Main Applications and Impact Delivered
The White Paper examines the key industries and technologies that can benefit from cloud usage. Dive into specific examples of applications, with real companies used as examples. For instance, examine how Netflix uses scalability to expand its customer base and handle load surges during peak streaming time.
Next, familiarize yourself with the concept of an IT Cloud Center of Excellence and gives recommendations on roles to include.
This section concludes with a case study on Desk-Net: a cloud-based solution for newsroom management.
IX. Solutions That Are Hard to Build On-Site but Easy to Build in the Cloud
Examine which solutions are easily built in the cloud, including serverless computing, big data, continuous deployment, artificial intelligence engineering, IoT, and many more. The White Paper goes into great detail on each solution, presenting tech stacks, computing requirements, advantages, and disadvantages.
X. Cloud Agnostics
Learn about applications, tools, and services that can move between a cloud platform and on-premises infrastructure – otherwise known as “cloud-agnostic.” Examine key strategies for becoming cloud-agnostic, provisioning infrastructure, and choosing a solution-focused partner.
Next, the White Paper presents a cloud migration checklist alongside tools and strategies to help you make the change. Tools are divided by provider: AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
XI. Standards in Use and Planned/ In Development Ones
Get access to various White Papers from the Cloud Standards Customer Council, as well as a set of standards from Amazon: the AWS Well-Architected Framework.
XII. Industry Associations, Magazine, Social Media Groups
If you’re interested in learning more about cloud computing, check out the numerous resources presented in this section.
XIII. Main “Heroes,” Authorities, and Contributors of This Tech
Connect with experts in the field via AWS Heroes and Microsoft MVP. The White Paper gives an overview of each initiative and explains how you can find the cloud computing industry’s most knowledgeable specialists.
XIV. Available Certifications for Practitioners
Take a look at some of the most popular and respected cloud computing certificates available. Check out some programs that will help you get an edge in the IT job marketplace.
XV. Healthcheck
Does a cloud transition seem too excessive for your business right now? If you’re worried about making a rushed decision, work through this checklist. It asks key questions about data security, costs, employee training, accessibility, and more.
XVI. Further Reading
The White Paper presents a list of resources that provide deeper insight into cloud computing.
XVII. Miscellaneous
Lighten things up in the miscellaneous section with a Cloud Migration Translator that’s good for a laugh.
XVIII. Summary and Conclusions
The White Paper presents its conclusions on cloud computing, explaining that if you delay migration, you’ll be left behind. The increased data security, business growth, and heightened productivity are well worth it.
IXX. Main Terminology
Get an overview of the main terminology used within the White Paper.
Almeida, A. (2016, November 30). Cloud-native ecosystem. telecomHall Forum. https://www.telecomhall.net/t/cloud-native-ecosystem/959.
Amazon Web Services Follow. (n.d.). AWSome day 2019 – Detroit. SlideShare. https://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServices/awsome-day-2019-detroit.
Butler, H. C. (1925). Architecture. Amazon. https://aws.amazon.com/architecture/well-architected/?wa-lens-whitepapers.sort-by=item.additionalFields.sortDate&wa-lens-whitepapers.sort-order=desc.
CB Insights. (2020, June 27). Cloud Wars: The rivalry Between Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, and How Multi-Cloud strategies are changing the industry. CB Insights Research. https://www.cbinsights.com/research/amazon-google-microsoft-multi-cloud-strategies/#history.
Gartner forecasts worldwide public CLOUD END-USER spending to GROW 18% in 2021. Gartner. (n.d.). https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2020-11-17-gartner-forecasts-worldwide-public-cloud-end-user-spending-to-grow-18-percent-in-2021.
Richter, F. (2021, July 5). Infographic: Amazon Leads $150-Billion cloud market. Statista Infographics. https://www.statista.com/chart/18819/worldwide-market-share-of-leading-cloud-infrastructure-service-providers/.