Mobile App Daily features Intetics in its Report on the Topmost Artificial Intelligence Companies of 2021.

Mobile App Daily (MAD) is one of the largest and most trusted media sources within the mobile app industry. Besides delivering app reviews, industry news, and interviews with domain experts, they also produce yearly research reports on the top mobile app development companies. These reports showcase the most innovative, industry-leading developers, and each report is dedicated to a separate niche – some examples include AR, AI, and startup development companies.
Mobile App Daily has featured Intetics in its Report on the Topmost Artificial Intelligence Companies of 2021. This report lists the top AI development companies that currently use cutting-edge business solutions and have huge potential for the future.
Ranking criteria include:
- The number of employees
- Clientele
- Cost-effectiveness
- The minimum project range
- Cloud computing technology
- UI/UX design
- Machine learning ability
- Annual business growth rate
- Investment and risks
- Company turnover
- Company market share
- Variety of industries the company works with
In Intetics’ featured section of the report, MAD brought attention to our creative, highly-skilled programmers, comprehensive solutions, in-depth product analyses, and more. We are very grateful to our developers and our clients – you are the reason for our success.